Wednesday, November 9, 2011

J'Adore the Bigs

This week has been total chaos on the logistics side of teaching. I've had to prep a bunch of grades for my co-teacher, which meant cramming in assessments and grading those assessments. All the grown-ups are running around hopped up on caffeine, sleep deprived and constantly talking about how stressed they are. Despite all of this, the universe has been good to me. There were so many little moments with the Bigs that kept me balanced and sane. Here are a few:

When it was my turn to go up to give the Bigs their awards, I definitely got the most cheers from fourth grade. 

I saw the twin brothers of one my kiddos at TJs. They were uber loud as they enthusiastically shouted, "Hi, Mrs. Trac!" The next day, the kiddo tells me that one of her brothers was trying to impress me, so he could be in my class in fourth grade. 

I got my kiddos all psyched up and excited to write when we were writing about the shelter that the Shasta tribe built. Did you know that the Shasta tribe built a summer and winter home? Fancy, no?

Today, I had an amazing language arts lesson. All I had were three different book covers for Indian in the Cupboard, a tri venn diagram, and a two-question worksheet. I even got to integrate my icons for depth and complexity. 

As Perez Hilton would say, my Bigs are amazebells. 

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