Thursday, May 27, 2010

Clouds, Chicago Dogs, & Segways Day 3

The main reason why I was able to go to Chicago with the budget we have is I got to stay with my friend's cousin, Kendra. She lived in the South Loop at the time. Every morning, Nicole and I woke up to a beautiful view of the Sears Tower. On our agenda for day 3, we went to the Field Museum and Planetarium, enjoyed the sites during the architecture boat tour, and snapped photos of more statues.

At the Field Museum, we were able to enjoy all of the interactive exhibits. We did a quick walk through at the Planetarium and took in a movie.
Since we got lost on the metro on our way to the aquarium (mm...we ended up going towards Harlem), we decided to walk as much as we could. Unfortunately, we underestimated how long it would take to walk from the Planetarium (the farthest point on museum campus) to the waterfront where our boat tour began. We hustled our little feet, making it with only 10 minutes to spare before our tour left, which happened to be the last tour of day. But we made it! Yay!

I thoroughly enjoyed the architecture boat tour. I had a feeling I would because I loved my architecture class as an undergrad. I learned how wood was expelled from the city after the great fire in 1871. Terracotta has been used on the exterior of buildings. The city is also home to many different architecture styles including Beaux Arts, art deco, and post-modern. They're also big on having buildings with interesting tops and riverfront access for everyone. One of the oldest buildings along the riverfront has been LEED certified. Yay!

While we were there, the Blackhawks were regional champions or something like that. Chicago really rallies behind their teams. We saw sculptures decorated with Blackhawk jerseys and helmets. Can't imagine how decked out the city would be if the Cubs made it to the World Series.

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