Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cowboy Up, Cupcake

I finally made my way back to The Legend of Colton H. Bryant and finished it up. Lately, I've been taking long breaks from books and then finishing them up. I suppose it's my restlessness that's getting the best of me.

Anyway, back to the real reason why I'm tossing up this post. Fuller does an amazing job of setting the tone for this novel. The prose has a beautiful rhythm to it much like an old western movie. Some of the lines rekindled my love for writing and made me want to be a writer again. For example...

And you wouldn't believe the cemeteries in Wyoming. How quickly snatched life is out here, like the sky was always too big for the earth in this high, square borders and so it inhales the breath of the living. Like the sky stopped being able to tell the difference between the wind on a gentle day and a person's exhalation.

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