Wednesday, February 11, 2009

On My Own

I don't even know where to begin to explain where I really am on this journey of becoming a teacher. To say it's complicated would be the understatement of the year. A few days ago, I signed up for my spring classes. I couldn't believe that I was already signing up for my last real set of classes. Really, the information that I have acquired is enough to get started with my own classroom? No, can't be. Shouldn't there be more? I'm going to be responsible for 20-30 little people.

I'm not ready to be on my own. Well, I have been on my own for a week or two and they were the best weeks ever. My mentor teacher has been reminding me all this week how ready I am. Am I really? I love having him there. I learn so much by just watching him teach, by just listening to him talk to the kids. I just don't know if I'm ready. Regardless of what I think, the time is fast approaching to figure it out. Wish me luck!

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