Tuesday, May 27, 2008

(Insert Type of Fruit) Walked into a Bar

At our school, most of the kiddos eat super healthy. I see tons of fresh fruits, veggies, and pastas all the time. The most junk foodie that it gets is Pirate's Booty. One of my favorite health snacks are Trader Joe's (Something Fruit) Walked into a Bar, which is a fruit bar. My kiddos also eat them too. Here's what happened:

(Just as I make it to the picnic tables for snack...)

Miss I-: Mrs. T----, look what I have! (holding up the bar) What kind do you have?
Me: I have the same one! (holding up the bar)
Miss I-: (huge smile) Yesss! We have the same one!

Miss. I- has been waiting for awhile for us to have the same exact fruity flavor at the same time. Oh, how I'm going to miss Miss. I-. It's really fun when you can make someone's day by just having the same kind of snack.

Woops. I forgot to buy the bars this week. Miss. I- might be bummed out tomorrow. :(

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