Monday, November 14, 2011

Dear Not-Yet-Made Soybeanito Letter #5

Dear Soybeanito, 

A few days ago, I wrote to your sister. Your dad lovingly reminded me that I need to write to you, too. Please don't think that I haven't written to you because I haven't thought about you. I think about you constantly. Whenever a rambunctious boy in my class gives me a sly smile, I think of you. Whenever a sweet boy quietly helps me put the books away without me asking for help, I think of you. See, I think of you all day every day! I suppose I haven't written to you, because I assumed that you will be like your dad and not want to read anything so sappy. My assumption may be terribly wrong once we meet you.

In my mind, you have your dad's loving eyes, his quirky humor and his strength to tell-it-like-it is. From me, I hope to give you my love of spicy food, empathy for others and ability to quickly read others and any situation.

For you, I will go outside in the blistering heat to watch you throw around a ball. For you, I will make the trek up to the mountains to watch you roll around in the snow. For you, I will not care how many grass stains or mud stains end up on your clothes, creating an endless pile of laundry to take care of. As you can see, we will infinitely love you. 

How can I begin to tell you my wishes for you? I have so many. My most important wish for you is that your heart will know true love. I hope that you will not have your broken too many times. When it comes the day that there is a girl who breaks your heart, please know that there is a reason why you were not meant to be. It may be something you did. It may be something she did. Whatever the reason is, it is beyond your understanding. Don't waste your time analyzing her or your relationship. 

Rebuild yourself. Make yourself stronger. Why? What's the point when you feel like you've been shattered into a million pieces? Because when you do find unconditional love, you will want to be the best person you can be for that person. You will feel so unworthy of that person's love if you don't love yourself. Please know, you are worthy of that person's love. How do I know? Because you have shown us that we're worthy of your love, we never thought we would be worthy of your sweet unconditional love. 

1 comment:

Kay Jay See Bee said...

Nevermind. I see you have thought about boys too. =) This actually made me tear up. hehe.