Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Authentically Me

Dear Universe, 

Thank you for teaching me the beauty of being me. We must both admit that it wasn't pretty getting here. As you well know, I'm a rather stubborn perfectionist. Of course, I had a well-developed concept of who I wanted to be and how I wanted others to see me. 

Along the way, I learned that being vulnerable in front of others takes incredible strength. Weakness is not synonymous with vulnerability. What was I thinking before? When I lay my heart out there for all to see, I have been graced with so many blessings. My hubster may laugh up a storm in the most charming way. My kiddos tend to echo, "Me too!" The random conversations with my co-workers flow with more ease. My friendships are strengthened by our shared quirks. 

Who am I? What is in my heart? I am person who undoubtedly sees beauty in everything. I stop and stare at trees and clouds. I have to carry a camera around with me because the compulsion to save this beauty overwhelms me throughout the day. My heart feels emotions to such depth and intensity that I have to often remind myself that they are just emotions. I find comfort in words, songs and delicious food. They are the trinity that keeps me balanced and feeling well. I'm learning to love exercise, but it's a slow process. I must remember to be patient with myself. I must also remember to be kind to myself.

*One of my dearest friends has been blogging up a storm lately. She's in the middle of her quarter-life comeback. One of the topics that she's been writing about is authenticity, which has inspired this post. 

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