Thursday, June 9, 2011


I learned a new vocab word yesterday. Glamping = glam camping. I loved glamping with the first graders and the first grade team. It was so magical watching the kids run around exploring and causing a bit of ruckus. They went hiking and strolling along the rocks by the beach. We listened to an archaeologist, marine biologist, biologist and storyteller share knowledge about the area around us. 

Once the sun went down, they roasted marshmallows for smores then got to take a peek at Saturn through telescopes with astronomers. We learned more information like earthshine. After they were done looking through the telescopes, I watched the rainbow of light from glowsticks and flashlights dance along the yard until all the wee ones made it to their cabins. Then, I awoke to the sounds of kids laughing and running around. So in love with first grade and those moments.

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