Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'm Waiting Too

No child's education and future should be determined by a ball, a computer, or a folded piece of paper in a box. We are all responsible for our children and their education. They need that education to have their future--to reach their dream job. Yes, everyone has a dream job even the little ones. Do you remember what it felt like to dream of what you wanted to be when you grew up? Do you remember listing three or four (most likely unrelated) professions? 

At one point, I wanted to be a corporate lawyer, a veterinarian, and a waitress. (My mom squashed that waitress dream as soon as she could.) I'm in the trenches each and every day with the rugrats. I never imagined that this would be my career and my passion. Yes, it's harder than it looks. Yes, it's more rewarding than it looks. I'm in the trenches with them because I had amazing teachers who taught me to believe in myself and my dreams. They helped me develop the skills and the drive to follow the dreams that I didn't know lived deep within my heart. We need teachers like that. I know many of them. Say thank you as often as you can because not everyone is like them.

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