Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Got the Gimmes: Bee Necklace

When I was a wee one, I could never find my name on novelty pencils, cups, or license plates. You would totally think that I would give up. That wasn't going to happen. I'm rather persistent ever since I was a munchkin. My hubster has categorized it as stubborn. Personally, I like persistent; it sounds more honorable. (insert smirk)

After many years of searching and coming up empty handed, I decided that I loved the letter "B." The letter "B" would be good enough for me until the monogram trend hit its peak a few years ago. Then, I got a little more sophisticated and decided to use the bee as my trademark. Clever, no? I snatch up bee stationary whenever I go into a gorgeous stationary store. 

You may be wondering, "Where is this story going?" I know it's a lot of back story, but I promise that it'll make sense. Lately, I've been thinking about getting a bee necklace. I've always loved girls who have a signature necklace or ring that they wear all the time. I found a few bee necklaces on Etsy that I love, but now I can't decide which one to get! Oh Etsy, you're such a temptress. Feel free to leave your vote, which could totally sway my future purchase. 


1 comment:

Kay Jay See Bee said...

I like the first one. Hehe.