Friday, May 28, 2010

Clouds, Chicago Dogs, & Segways Day 6

It always feels so good to blog about the last day of a trip. I just love being done. Our sixth day had kept the same theme as the previous five days: a jam packed day filled with walking and lots of fun. We started the day at the Green Festival on the Navy Pier. Picked up a few last minute souvenirs including our adorable Cubs shirt. Then, we did a bit of shopping, took photos at the Water Tower, had a delicious Indian lunch, went to the John Hancock Observatory, and watched our last show The Regulars at the Apollo Theater.

My favorite part of the day was going up to the John Hancock Observatory. Nic and I are totally scared of heights. We originally had planned to simply walk by this behemoth. After some persuading by Kendra and having it conveniently part of our CityPass, we hesitantly walked over to Big John. This is where the CityPass totally paid off. We got to have VIP status, which was so helpful on the way down. The elevator goes 20 mph. It's the smoothest ride I've ever had. The observatory is on the 94th floor and you really do feel like you're kissing the sky. The views were amazing. Supposedly, you're able to see across 4 different days. We happen to go on a foggy/cloudy day, so we didn't have that lovely experience. The views were still impressive. What a fantastic way to say farewell to Chicago.

1 comment:

Aron said...

I can't help but love aerial shots.