Friday, March 5, 2010

One More Check

Ever since we started going to live shows and concerts, we've been wanting to see Boys II Men. We've been fans forever. I remember singing along to I'll Make Love to You as wee one and not knowing what it meant at all. What an eye opener when I learned what it meant. Oh middle school. We've missed a couple of their concerts because the timing wasn't quite right. Finally, they had a show close enough to us that we wouldn't have to deal with all of that LA traffic.

We went last night. Unfortunately, we totally had mixed feelings. Their harmonies were as tight as always. The Motown song and dance bit was adorable and lively. Shawn did a great job filling in the time between songs. He's now my favorite group member. There was just something off. Not quite sure what it was. Michael no longer performs with them due to medical reasons. I would wait for his speaking parts, and they weren't there. It made some of the songs feel a little empty. Part of me feels bad that they have to perform at a casino (not an awesome one like the ones in Vegas). Watching their old music videos flicker behind them makes you really realize how old they are now. Despite all of this, I'm still really happy that we went to see them. It's one more check off of our bucket list.

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