Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Water, Berries, and Christmas Trees Part 3

On our second day visiting Eliot, we went to Vancouver. We had an amazingly busy day. We went to Granville Island, Chinatown, and Stanley Park. While at Stanley Park, we went to the Aquarium and saw the totem poles. Afterwards, we drove over Lions Gate Bridge. We hung out by the convention center and listened to the music from a firemen/police sports convention. My hubster loved how the city looked at night.

On our to-do list for our next Vancouver trip: go to Whistler, ride the tram at Grouse Mountain, and visit Victoria.

Granville Island has an adorable collection of artsy stores.

This little display sits outside of a cement making company.

They're not just businesses but also apartment flats.

A Chinese apothecary shop, which the boys liked browsing.

We found these fellas in the apothecary shop.

They're both dogs.

They're having a possible thoughtful conversation in the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen garden.

We couldn't have asked for better weather.

Can you believe it's a reptile?

Not just for the little kids.

They're little jellies.


My new favorite kind of jelly fish.

I got to see the totem poles that I was longing to see.

Vancouver at night.

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