Sunday, June 7, 2009

What Does BEA Stand For?

I've had issues with my whole first name since I was a wee one. The mispronounciations are endless. I have learned to deal with it gracefully and just respond. People don't mean to mispronounce my name unless they're a playground bully. As my mom would say, I was one of those lucky kids that didn't have to have my last name initial tacked onto my name like Ashley A or Jessica B.

Even though I wasn't always a big fan of my whole first name, I have always loved the abbreviated version of my name, which is featured on this blog. I always thought it was cute. It fits me perfectly because I'm so petite. I just learned another reason to love it. What does BEA stand for to people in the publishing business? BookExpo America! How cool is that? Very cool if you ask me.

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