Friday, February 15, 2008

You Can Keep It or We Can Shave It

Today, I went to the dermatologist with my hubster. My primary care doctor suggested I go to the dermatologist to get this beauty mark on my lip checked out since it was rather dark and I wasn't born with it. Since she mentioned that suggestion in January, I've been terrified that I might have skin cancer. Yea, I'm one of those glass is half empty kind of people. This is how the doctor visit went:

Dr: Hi I'm Dr. ------. It's nice to meet you. So, you're here to get a mole on your lip....Oh my gosh! It's a beauty mark. How cute is that! It's right on your lip. It's soo adorable. (Suddenly, shoots out technical dermatologist jargon to her assistant.)
Me: (Smiling awkwardly) Thank you.
Dr: So here are your two options, you can keep it or I can shave it off.
Me: (Thinking) Can I keep it? (Entirely too afraid to have it shaved off.)
Dr: Of course! It's so cute. I would keep it. Remember though, if it starts to grow arms or legs then I'll have to take it.
Me: Sounds good.

That was the the 5 minute potential skin cancer appointment that I'd been dreading for a month. Yes, most of the doctors in the area that I've met are this quirky and have affinity for talking to me like I'm not 23 going on 24. Now, I have to get a lip balm with SPF of something and wear it religiously. :)

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