Thursday, February 21, 2008

Shaving Cream Spelling

I can never say how much I heart the teacher who I'm lucky enough to be paired up with. She's showed me how interesting and engaging a curriculum can be. She's also big on stretching a lesson, so it can touch all the different kinds of learners (kinesthetic, verbal/linguistic, musical, spatial, interpersonal, and intrapersonal).

For the spelling lesson today, the kiddos didn't have to use spelling paper or pencils. Instead, they got to smear their desks with shaving cream, write their names at the top of their desks, and then write the words in the shaving cream. When we did a new word, they just had to smear the old word away. I was covered in shaving cream this morning, but it was so much fun. Can you imagine that spelling could actually be fun? It was great. The kids even smelled great afterwards, just like Irish Spring.

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